I am
an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and
Engineering department at Indian Institute of
Technology, Madras and the Chief Technology Officer of
Tarides. I am interested in building robust, secure and
scalable systems using programming language technology.
I led the development of Multicore OCaml, a concurrent and parallel extension of the OCaml programming language. Multicore OCaml is now merged into OCaml, and is available for general use in OCaml 5.0. Effect handlers introduced as part of the concurrency story of Multicore OCaml has had influence on the design of React Hooks and WebAssembly stack switching.
I’ve co-founded several companies
to build systems that are functional, and functional programming in OCaml turns out to be a fine choice for this.
Earlier, I was a Senior Research Associate under the OCaml Labs initiative at the University of Cambridge Computer Lab, an 1851 Research Fellow and a Research Fellow at Darwin College, Cambridge. Earlier, I was a graduate student at Purdue University where I obtained an MS and a PhD degree in Computer Science under the supervision of the wonderful Prof. Suresh Jagannathan. Before that, I obtained my BEng degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Anna University, India.
I write about my research in my blog (though not as often as I would like to).